To believe or not to believe?

So it’s almost that time of year when the big man in the red suit visits. How has it snuck up on us so quickly once again?

As the years tick by and my eldest gets older I know it’s not going to be many more years until he starts asking some serious questions about Santa . I’m sure some kids at school have already planted a little seed of doubt. He has told me before that some people do not believe in the easter bunny, Fairies and Santa. I’ve been able to put him off the scent so far. When he suggested that other kids think parents put the xmas presents under the tree I scoffed and said; ‘You know how busy I am and how forgetful I can be; if i had to do all that; you’d probably end up with nothing.’

Anyhow, I know the time is eventually going to come (possibly next year - he will be almost 10) when I have to let my boy in on the secret. Letting your kids in on the secret is hard, not only does it have the power to take some of the magic out of Christmas, but it also poses the risk of your child ruining the magic for their younger siblings or other children who still believe… because what kid doesn’t like spilling secrets… and BIG secrets like this can be really hard to keep.

But I know exactly how I am going to do it! I remember reading this idea a few years ago and it has always stuck with me - I am unsure of the original source (so if you are out there reading this thankyou - and please let yourself be known!)

When you think your child is ready; take them somewhere special or sit down with them to have a chat. Tell them that Santa does exist but not in the way that they believed. There is no man in a big red suit who delivers presents to everyone on one night of the year; but Santa is an ‘‘idea’’. It is the idea of giving to others without any recognition and without any thanks. It is about giving out of the kindness of our heart and seeing joy on others faces without needing anything in return.

Then you let them know of their BIG responsibility.. That they too, now that they know and understand, is to become a Santa too. It is now their mission to keep the magic alive for others but also to become part of the secret of Santa. Their job is to look around and observe the people around them in the lead up to christmas and try to notice someone who needs something. It might be a neighbour, a team mate, a friend, a community member. They are to buy them a gift of something that they need and leave it for them secretly, with a note ‘‘F'ROM SANTA’’ without ever letting them know that it was them.

Although it will be a sad day when this conversation is had; i am hopeful that with this idea it will also make it a special day. A day when we can bond over a special secret that we now share!

Hayley Willis